Ada deaf lawyer needed asap

To whomever can be concerned;

I need a deaf ada discrimination lawsuit lawyer asap I have the most profitable case that spans a 6 year violation period of discrimination against my husband who is deaf.

He even has a county civil violation unit investigation letter confirming cps broke the ada and civil laws. I have everything from the last 6 years In evidence for a lawyer or for a investigation writer or newspaper such as yourself to highlight my experience in order to recruit a lawyer for help.

My family and I are broken and hurt mental health wise but are owed the world over from the county violations and mental health breakdown and more importantly the ada violations that my husband Nemo has  been through and us watching him be broken completely from it.

He used to run sign language coffee night and asl tutoring at the junior college in Santa Rosa and got his ASL certificate at bcc Berkeley city college and used to have so much ambition and drive for being a part of a language that he finally belongs.

A community that his self expression and sensitive feelings and emotional expressiveness could shine he is an amazing late deaf person and that deaf community aka inclusion that we left was the best thing that ever happened in his life since his family died about 27 years ago.

I had a baby with him right as he was starting his certification in ASL and our son’s first language was sign at 6 months. Our lives were so much better when we were involved with a community that he feels belonging in. And even with a stigma in the deaf community of being a late deaf person aka the inclusion is limited but it’s 1000 percent better then the audism he’s experienced since.

We got involuntary transplanted into mendocino county just about the most audism revelant county in in ca after creating a thriving community of friends that were deaf and a routine around signing in Sonoma county srjc.

I need to find someone in the deaf world to represent us by tonight.
We are past our cps case, they finally dismissed his case after 6 years and him winning back our son 3 times.  the entire time since getting him back the first time over an entirely discriminated first cps removal in fort Bragg the agency had a vendetta against him as a educated Deaf parent and only now after ruining our whole lives and messing up our chances to ever get mental health help in the entire county now. We even had a house fire in fort Bragg after dad won him back the first time and our entire trailer burnt to the ground in an electric fire from faulty wiring in the trailer and cps took our son again from the red cross hotel room forcing us to move to Ukiah and start process all over again with cps and this time that removal in 2019 was investigated as I mentioned before and the county did violate ada law in the removal.

Ada law is the backbone of how our lives were turned upside down. Audism and discrimination were prevelant in mental health services we tried to obtain even before 2017. Basically our entire time in fort Bragg since moving there in 2015 we never had correct services from the county and I guess that would be the overall lawsuit over malpractice and everything else.  

I need legal help and cannot do this myself this experience has broken me as a thriving person myself even before I had the most drive and the years before this case started in 2017 I had just been running three blogs a website and learned how to cook gourmet from scratch by myself, I had restaurants following me on my Instagram account and was exponential in my ambition to aspire. I got my carpet pulled out from underneath me…
… from discrimination and mental health malpractice in fort Bragg CA from 2016 to now AND cps especially from 2017-2021 now.  I am begging anyone in the deaf world community to help us find a Ada deaf lawyer and need to share this entire experience on a viral level until we get the help we need.
I am prepared to ask for help until I fall over again…to not feel well enough about being back in my family’s life our ‘life after cps ‘ I have a huge case bigger then anything I’ve read about before, we are still struggling because we’re stuck in a county of non service and dispite cps dropping the case we Still have no mhsa treatment services we are owed.
Every ada violation payout just the first one from each agency that did it in 6 years should put our family In a whole lot better living situation. Please help spread my story to get help asap

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